Welcome to Holy Cross - St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church in Barrie, a Parish of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada. While we hope that our website provides you with information about our Parish, we sincerely pray that you will come and pay us a personal visit. We welcome all Orthodox Christian faithful (and those interested in learning about Orthodox Christianity) to our Parish.
Our Community was established in 1984 in the Township of Springwater, Ontario (just outside of the City of Barrie) to provide a place of worship for ALL Orthodox Christians in Simcoe County and Muskoka Region. We are a community of families and individuals from various backgrounds who share in the traditions and ageless beliefs of our Holy Orthodox Christian Faith.
With God’s grace, we aim to provide a place where all belong to Christ, through worship (δοξολογία), sacramental life (μυστἡρια), everyday spiritual discipline (ασκήσεις), sanctification (θέωσις), education (παιδεία), witness (μαρτυρἱα), fellowship (κοινωνία) and service (διακονία).
Sunday Services:
+ Orthros - 8:15am
+ Divine Liturgy - 9:30am
* For other service times, please refer to the current Monthly Schedule
Languages: All services are bilingual (Greek & English).
When we recite the Lord's Prayer, you will also hear many of the languages representing our culturally diverse congregation.
AGAPE Meal: Following the Sunday Divine Liturgy, all are invited to join us for the AGAPE Meal (Meal of Love) in the basement hall. This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a small meal, have a cup of coffee, some sweets and a chance to speak with our Spiritual Father and the other members of our parish.
The AGAPE Meal is on a donation only basis.
Please give what you can!
… that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God…
(Colossians 1:10)
REFLECTIONS is our Spiritual Talk/Bible Study/Catechism program that examines various topics while reflecting on scripture and Church teachings.
These sessions provide an opportunity for our community
(both young and old) to continue our journey of praying, learning, and reflecting TOGETHER as we try to live out our Orthodox faith.
REFLECTIONS will take place on selected Sundays for approximately 1 ½ hours
following the AGAPE Meal.
Refer to the monthly Schedule for dates
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have,
for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
(Hebrews 13:16)
The aim of prayer is that we should acquire from it love of God,
for in prayer are to be found all sorts of reasons for loving God.
(St. Isaac the Syrian)
Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of
the Lord your God that he has given you.
(Deuteronomy 16:17)
While there are many ways to support the ministry of Holy Cross-St. Nektarios through volunteering time and talent (see below for more information), our ministry also requires financial resources. Our budget covers staff costs, utilities, water testing, liturgical and educational costs, coffee, supplies, etc... for our Community. Your generous donation will ensure that our community can continue to provide a meaningful Liturgical life, opportunities to nourish parishioners in their spiritual life, and to operate our vital fellowship. As Holy Cross-St. Nektarios is a registered charity with the Canadian Revenue Agency, we issue tax receipts by mid-February for all donations made in the previous calendar year.
It is our Christian duty to make every effort to assist our Church with her day-to-day expenses as well as the annual renovations that need to take place. As always, we rely on your generous donations (either weekly or monthly) made either through cash, cheque, PayPal or eTransfer to help us in meeting our financial needs.
To begin, please consider becoming a Member of our Parish. Below you will find what it means to be a Member in our Parish. You may complete the forms below and email them to us or simply click on DONATE ONLINE to securely donate/tithe via Paypal OR eTransfer, please use our email address stnektariosgoc@gmail.com.
TITHING is your financial support
SERVANT is volunteering to help within the parish
"..the saints are our bridge and bond with heaven"
I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands,
without wrath and doubting
(1 Timothy 2:8)
Below you can access very important information you will need for:
Baptism or Wedding
Orthodox Funeral
(705) 726-9875
Physical Address:
572 Penetanguishene Rd.
Springwater, ON L4M 0H2
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 453
Barrie, ON L4M 4T7
(705) 726-9875
E-mail / e-Transfer Address:
Offline Website Software